Five millionaire habits you didn't hear of that made me a better person

No, it´s not about eating healthy, working out or reading a lot.

5 min readJul 8, 2020
Photo by Drew Beamer on Unsplash

There are around 55 million Millionaires on this earth. This means that the path of becoming very wealthy was already gone through by many others. There is really no need to invent the wheel new. Neither it is special rocket science.

Well, as long your name isn´t Elon Musk. But that's a different story.

Over the past few years, I was studying and spending a lot of time within my eyes very successful people. Not only financially but also personally successful. Which is even more impressive to me, to be honest. In the following, I would like to share five points that I copied from them and that changed my life in a positive way.

Block scheduling

Photo by STIL on Unsplash

This one was a real game-changer for me. I always was planning my day but without any given time and deadline. Since I´ve got this method from one of my mentors a lot changed.

Actually it makes so much sense. I mean even our school time table is built on time blocks. Every evening before going to bed I write my To-Dos down and schedule them in 30 min, 1h or 2h blocks. Between every block, I leave around 30 min time so I have enough flexibility if something comes in between or takes longer.

You can also use your Calendar on your phone. That way you have your plan always with you. I like to write it down on paper because as nerdy it might sound but I just love crossing points that I finished. That's real dopamine shot for me.


A lot of people connect meditation with reflection. And it is totally right. That is what you will mostly get to hear that you need to meditate to reflect. For me, that is kind of only the one side of the story.

Personally I find it very hard to sit straight and think of nothing or reflect. After a short time my back starts hurting, I focus more on my breath and everything else than letting my thoughts go.

But honestly, everyone should try it at least for a month. I like going for a walk or to the gym. Those two things help me reflect and get my thoughts right the best. I love going for a two-hour walk just with some nice beats blasting through my earphones and just walk.

The thinking comes by its self.

After this, I often found solutions for problems or have new ideas and feel great because I not only reflected but also did some activity which benefits my body. No matter what you decide to do.

Find what helps you the best and do it every day. It helps a lot.


Photo by Hannah Jacobson on Unsplash

Journaling and reflecting come almost hand in hand.

But sometimes during my walks, I become such good ideas I just have to write them down and therefore I have my journaling book. It´s not only for ideas and goals. It is for everything.

I need to say whenever I feel bad about something, whenever I am happy or business stuff. I write it down there.

It’s the most personal thing I own and I treat it like that. I keep it very close to me at all time. If a journal is full I don´t throw it away. I keep them and store them in a safe place.

To be honest, if you have depression or any other mental problem at the moment. Start journaling. It really feels kind relieving writing down those thoughts. It's like you are taking them out from your head on the paper.

It´s hard to describe but I truly recommend it.


“You become who you spend your time with.”

This or at least very similar everyone of us got to hear/ read at least once in their lives. Looking back I really have to say there is a big truth behind this.

During high school and the first year of university, I was partying a lot and spending a lot of time doing other stuff than working on my goals. Even I already back then had the same goals and dreams. I just didn´t chase them as I do it now.

Not a long time ago I realized that the people I spend time with are different too. Since I moved away and build myself a new network. I now talk a lot with people ten or even more years older than me.

For me, they are very successful and I try to copy the best from everyone and implement it on myself. I´m still far from my goals by I feel and see that I am heading in the right direction. At least I am moving there.

Hanging out with such people also thought me a lot about business and other topics because they all have the same interest and they discuss ideas and everything when they meet.

The best place for networking is going to events that interest you. It doesn´t have to be business. It can be whatever you are in to. Just go there. You will meet a lot of incredible people who also want to get to know new people.

Don´t consume. Produce!

So this is a point that I implemented already a long time ago. I think when around the age of thirteen I stopped watching TV.

The huge amount of advertisements almost every 20 min was frustrating me. My favourite movies were just destroyed by this never-ending repeating advertisements. Also, the quality of TV programs just became a shame.

I became very picky about TV. The movie had to and still has to be very good that I waste time watching those ads for that movie. And even then I first look if I can watch if on Amazon Prime first.

I then started watching YouTube videos. Mostly about cars and gaming. Its was better than watching those ads on the TV. So when I became older I realized why don´t educate myself about business and topics that actually interest me if I enjoy watching YouTube so much.

This way I can watch cool videos and actually learn. This became somehow kind of a hobby like writing or working on my business. So till this day I don´t watch TV anymore and don´t think it will ever happen again. I use my free time to lean stuff I enjoy so it doesn´t feel like learning, “work” on my business or try to write some blog articles for you guys.

Try it. Just pick a topic you are interested in an start learning about it and then later practising it during your free time rather than wasting your valuable time with some crap TV shows.

I hope you were able to learn at least a little from my experience and maybe implement those point in your life too!




Hey! Welcome. I´m Alex a young law student from Germany who´s passion is entrepreneurship, economics, personal development, cars, sports and a lot other.